Grosse Pointe & Shelby Township


Tag Archives: sleep disorders

Dental Sleep Medicine: The Link Between Sleep and Oral Health

Dental sleep medicine expert speaking with a patient.
Dentists look after your oral health, that’s no surprise. But some patients are surprised to find out that when it comes to sleeping problems, your dentist may be your best ally. If you snore or suspect you have sleep apnea, Dr. Paul Van Walleghem at Pointe Dental Group can help! As a Diplomate of the … Continue Reading

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Sleep Apnea in Women vs. Men

Sleep Apnea in Women vs. Men | Woman sleeping in bed with a mask attached to a CPAP device.
Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a disorder that impacts your sleep by causing your breathing to become shallow or even briefly pause throughout the night. For some, these problems can happen multiple times each night, which severely reduces their ability to obtain a restful night’s … Continue Reading

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Sleep Apnea Causes & Best Treatments in SE Michigan

Woman covers her ears with a pillow and blanket while man snores next to her.Why would your dentist want to know about how you sleep? The answer to that question may be literally keeping you awake at night. Sleep apnea is a chronic condition in which a person’s airway is blocked when they sleep, and it has reached epidemic proportions. While the condition is usually diagnosed by a doctor or … Continue Reading

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What is Obstructive Sleep Apnea?

Pointe Dental Group can help treat your obstructive sleep apneaObstructive sleep apnea is a disorder that causes your breathing to pause for brief periods while you sleep. Although each pause tends to only last about 10 seconds, they can occur hundreds of times during the night, which disrupts your sleep cycle, and can lead to a host of health issues.

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